Wrapping Up Elementary

This is the last week of interning at Kate Sullivan Elementary. Next week I’ll be at Lincoln High School. I’m very sad to leave such a wonderful school where I’ve learned so much about elementary, but I’m excited to learn in a new atmosphere! I feel like I’ve just settled in Kate Sullivan; the students remember me and they’re excited when they see me. It brings warmth to my heart that I’m leaving a positive impression on these students.

This week I worked with the students to complete Sully the Scare Croc. This scare-croc will be displayed at Maclay Gardens for a competition. We also finished projects to wrap up the 9 weeks and started new ones for upcoming events.

Onto bigger and better things! I can’t believe it’s already half way through the semester! I can see the finish-line from a short distance! Only 8 more weeks and I’ll be walking across the stage to graduate. Here I come Lincoln High School!IMG_5090.jpg

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